Wednesday, February 9, 2011

you call them new year's resolutions. i call them, new year's nice ideas

so i realize it's february and hopefully most of you "reso-losers" have given up on the bright hopes and dreams you had when january 1st was upon us. unfortunately for me, some of you are still hanging on to them....i'm assuming that's the reason i have to go the spin class 30 minutes early just to stand in a line for a bike.  no seriously, that's what it's come to.

but you're not alone. i too have (had) resolutions. well not so much new year's resolutions but new year's nice in, here's a good idea but not all ideas pan out so we'll see how 2011 goes. well like i said, it's february so how about a pulse check on these nice ideas. here we go...

first up, an annual resolution - spend less!
nice idea translation - let's try not to go overboard and then regret my purchases come credit card bill time.
february update - i don't think i've spent more money in a month's time then i have during the month of january. it was almost as though i interpreted this "nice idea" as a challenge to do the exact opposite. that said, it wasn't all bad. i did manage to transfer some money to my savings account...all while having pending shopping carts on ruelala, giltgroupe, jcrew, and

next up -  get the six-pack abs i've promised myself.
nice idea translation - make healthier choices. doesn't that even sound more responsible? and also brilliantly vague? for example, drink more water, eat more fish (since i've given up other meat). all that nice healthy stuff that i usually do until i watch an episode of biggest loser and think "i'm not that big, maybe i should have some pizza."
february update - well my favorite pizza shop behind my house closed without any warning or explanation. yeah, it was like god forcing his healthier choices upon me. but then the superbowl came along and i binged on chips for a week after. you know, super healthy. oh and i hate water. take that, pizza-store closing gods.

finally - get organized. i love this resolution. mainly because images of spreadsheets dance in my head (i love excel). but for realsies...get organized? doesn't that just mean go to the container store and spend a $200 minimum. yes, it actually means exactly that.
nice idea translation - be less disorganized. that's a great idea. how you ask? how about a couple file folders for my tax documents? how about opening my mail from 3 weeks ago? how about cleaning out my cabinets so i can find all those cans of beans and soup that i've apparently been stocking up on for months. really, i had no idea i had so many cans of soup.
february update -  well, i did organize our papers. and i lined a drawer. yup, as in ONE drawer. oh and did i mention going to the container store and only buying $150 worth of stuff? it could have been more. trust me. but come on, i vowed to spend less!

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