Wednesday, November 25, 2009

it slices, it dices

so, today i chopped my finger. no, i didn't chop it off but i chopped riiiiight into it.

the morning started off pretty well. i went down to the social security office to change my name to my new married last name. it was surprisingly easy (i'm sure the dmv trip will more than make up that).

i went down there armed with my application already filled out, my marriage certificate in hand (omg, yes, it arrived!), and my passport. i walked in, took a number, and read my book while i waited (see, i was totally prepared....too bad the book is annoying and there's no way i'll finish it in 4 days. i'll explain later). they called my number and i went in while the woman there processed my application. i must have looked like a puppy because there i was with the biggest smile on my face and practially slobbering on myself. i told the woman that this was super exciting. i mean, people will finally be able to pronounce my name....oh and i'll feel very married. she then proceeded to tell me about her daughter who is my age and how she wondered if her daughter would ever get married. then it was just weird.

ok, the chopped finger. i decided to try this chickpea salad sandwich when i got back (which turned out pretty yums but perhaps had too much onion so that will need to be drastically reduced next time....seriously, i can still smell my own onion breath. way way way tooooo much onion). anyway, the recipe called for fresh lemon.  i went to chop the lemon in half annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd instead i chopped my finger. i mean, it was not a little slice. it was CHOPPED. ok, my finger didn't come off but there was a lot of blood. AND i had to take advil. i'm a wimp. in any case, it's pretty fitting considering my last blog was all about my rice glob disaster. the only difference is that this time, i stabbed myself.  alright, it was slightly less violent than that but it felt like attempted murder (on myself). anyway, i'm healing nicely, which is the most important part of the story....that and i'm wondering if i have any business in a kitchen or around sharp objects. but now when it's my turn tomorrow to talk about what i'm thankful for, i can say, i'm thankful for my finger being intact and having a husband who apparently sharpens his kitchen knives quite often.

alright, let me explain this boring book i'm reading. i've just joined a book club (yay!) only i put off reading this book and the book club is meeting next week....and omg, my book is due back to the library in 4 days. hence, having to carry it around with me and read it whenever i have a free minute. the worst part is that (aside from my brother calling me a golden girl when i told him this story..yes i have a library card. that doesn't not mean i'm an old lady) the book is boring. i don't even care what happens next. i'm debating if i should just read the last paragraph.  i mean, i've read everything else in the past week but i can't. read. this. book. i mean i even re-read stories on (ok, i mainly looked at the pictures. stop judging).  that's the boring book story. who knows, maybe it'll pick up? books can completley pick up after page 150, right? yeah, wish me luck.

sucky book.

ok, one last thing. tomorrow is thanksgiving and i want to wish everyone a wonderful turkey day. i hope it is free of lemon-related (or, really, any citrus-related) bloodshed and snoozer books! enjoy your food coma.

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